They say that time is money, and nowhere is that more literally true than the law office. Keeping proper track of billable hours and charging each client appropriately is an essential part of running a profitable law practice.

Unfortunately, that time tracking can be quite tedious and labor intensive, requiring hours of administrative time and taking staff away from more productive tasks.

That is why so many attorneys are turning to time tracking applications to keep track of the hours spent on each case and the time expended on behalf of each client. There are many different time tracking apps on the market, but five of the most popular are reviewed below.

Time Master – A Good Choice of the Busy Lawyer

Time Master is available for download from software publisher On-Core, and its features make it an excellent choice for everyone from the solo attorney to partners in a large legal practice. Time Master is easy to learn and use, without the long learning curve some other products have.

One of the most useful features of Time Master is the ability to do a quick billing while on the go. Busy attorneys will certainly enjoy the convenience of being able to print a bill in a client’s office or submit billable hours on the fly.

The only real downside of Time Master is that it forces lawyers to track their time in a session format. While some attorneys may like this feature, others would prefer the ability to enter direct increments of time instead.

Time Master is available for download to the iPad and iPhone.

Timeslips – A Good Choice but a Bit Pricey

Timeslips by Sage has been a staple of legal billing for more than 25 years, and many legal practices use it religiously. Timeslips includes a number of user-friendly features to make timekeeping easy, including reporting features with simple dashboards and integration with a number of popular accounting programs.

The standard Timeslips application uses a central database to store all its billing information, with a client piece provided for each user on the network. That makes the product best suited for large legal offices; solo practitioners may not need all of the advanced features the product has to offer.

Timeslips also provides a web interface attorneys can use to enter client time and produce billing information. This feature is quite useful for those on the go, since attorneys can use their smart phones to enter billing information after visiting each client.

Timeslips is a good choice for law practices, especially since it has become somewhat of a defacto standard. Even so, solo attorneys may want to economize by choosing a less costly alternative for their practices.

TimeClock – A Time Management Tool for the Android Market

While there are many time management apps for the iPhone market, the number of applications for the average Android user is somewhat smaller. One of the best time management apps for Android powered phones is called TimeClock.

The TimeClock app includes a number of features attorneys will find very useful, including the ability to enter various time increments and generate detailed invoices and billing histories for each client.

The TimeClock app is very intuitive and easy to use, making it a good choice for lawyers who have been frustrated by the steep learning curves of other time management applications. The app allows attorneys to track billable hours while they are working, and then use that information to generate detailed spreadsheets, invoices, reports and other documents. The ease of use and flexibility makes TimeClock a good choice for any lawyer who carries an Android phone.

Enter Your Hours – A Good Download

The Enter Your Hours app is available for download at This app is easy to use and efficient, and it has been designed with the needs of the legal profession in mind. This popular time keeping and time entry application is entirely web-based, making it easy for lawyers to track their time while on the go.

The app also includes a handy invoicing feature, making it easy to import client hours, provide a detailed billing report and generate a professional invoice in a matter of minutes. Unlike some competing products, the Enter Your Hours application comes with a fully functional 14-day free trial, allowing lawyers to try the product out before they make an investment.

Simple Time Tracking – An Easy to Use Choice

Simple Time Tracking is available from, and it has a number of features lawyers and other professionals will appreciate. The software makes it easy for attorneys to track time on a per client or per case basis, making it easier to accurately reflect the time spent in each area.

The application also allows attorneys to easily analyze the amount of time spent on each case, as well as the nature of that time. That analysis feature makes it easier for operators of law firms to direct their individual resources where they will be the most profitable. Attorneys can also use the application to bill time to each individual client, and to provide each client with a detailed billing summary that shows the number of hours worked for the month.


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